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Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines
SPRINT GLOBAL MARKETING INC. is a company marketing new and innovative equipment to the dermatology field. We are expecting to launch new products to complement our current equipment lines.

Monday, July 28, 2008


CO2 Fractional Laser with scanner

Why CoLaGen?
Quasi non-ivasive
Quasi no pain
The highest effect
Mild to strong ablation
Direct Pinhole treatment

CoLaGen Cool skin resurfacing
Shorter down time
Mild treatment many sessions
No oozing
Mild skin texture change

Injure epidermal tissue for skin resurfacing
Initiate a healing response
Soften or reduce hypertrophic scars and rhytides, reduce large pores
Combat aging process

Colagen simultaneously treats epidermis for pigmentation and fine lines and the dermis for skin tightening, acne scars, deeper wrinkles and enlarge pores. The overall skin texture and tone is improved. It is safe with a low pain level, and can be used to treat the face, neck, chest, hands and arms.

Colagen produces arrays of micro-ablative zones, eliminating discolorations at the epidermis, and reducing volumetric tissues at the dermis, while sparing the tissues sorrounding each ablative zone.

At the specific depth of the dermis, the deeper micro-thermal zone cause immediate collagen contraction, and long-term collagen remodeling. During each treatment, only 6-20% of the whole treatment area is ablated, with 80-94% of tissue remains intact and acts as a natural supporting bandage. As a result, downtime is minimal and healing is very fast.

Depending on the applied energy level (Energy, distance, degree), strong thermal effect takes place in volumetric area at a depth from 300 to 700 microns.

For more inquiries call 744-6211 or email us at sprintglobal@yahoo.com.ph

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